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Thursday 17 November 2011

The Fog of War

Eventhough our intentions may be well thought out and defined before we set out on a particular project, as the 'Fog of War, The Fog of Life, Fog of Politics, Fog of Negotiation, Fog of Social Engineering, etc, etc' sets in, the outcome may, and most probably will be much further from our initial intent or expectation than we could ever have imagined, the consequences of which may be worse than the situation was at the outset of the project itself.

Cases to consider may include:

- The Vietnam War
- The Obama Presidency
- An Israeli Strike on Iranian Nuclear Facilities
- The New Deal
- The Great Society
- Obamacare
- Career Choices
- Regulation and/or De-Regulation
- Vigilantism - Treaty Negotiations
- Alliances
- Marriage - etc, etc, etc.

In summary, as we plan and prepare a cost/benefit analysis to any project, whether large or small, be prepared and factor in the possibility of a completely different outcome than could have been imagined with the initial data at hand.

Anson Bentley

Great Society
Fog of War
Israel Strike on Iranian Nuke Facilities


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